Freelancers wanted in the event sector

Working as a freelancer at Lust For Live

We constantly strive to do even better. We invest in the best materials, we push the boundaries of technical possibilities and we work with passionate technicians.
If we want to continue giving our customers the best service, we just have to guarantee a certain quality. That’s why we are looking for freelancers to help us accomplish this mission.
Do you have expertise in light, sound, transport ...? Please check out our freelance job opportunities below. Nothing there that matches your skills? Please contact, we can probably use your help.

The pluses of being a Lust For Live freelancer

  • We have a ‘we’re in this together’ mentality.
  • We work together like one big family.
  • You can work on super cool projects, to be proud of.
  • You get to work with top-quality equipment.
  • We give you the chance to specialise and train yourself.
  • You will receive a good remuneration in line with your job.

The following freelance positions are currently vacant

Lighting technician

Sound engineer

LED technician

Riggers / Climbers

Driver C/CE

Freelancers in their own words

René Bruisten of INPUT testifies

I am René Bruisten, one of the regular freelancers working for L&L Stage Service. The rigging department is my main responsibility:

“Rigging is a separate department in our industry and it is currently expanding rapidly at L&L Stage Service. I had worked for L&L Stage Servicequite a lot in the past as a lighting technician or rigger, when last summer they suddenly asked me if I wanted to work for L&L Stage Service on a permanent basis and specifically in the rigging department. This was obviously an opportunity I couldn't refuse.

During the various lockdowns, we took the L&L Stage Service rigging department to task and prepared for what was to come, and now we are absolutely ready for it.

However: as a freelance rigger, I can't do things on my own. That is why we are looking for certified and motivated riggers to literally come and help us pull the strings at beautiful live events, large festivals and other cool jobs.”

Read René Bruisten’s full story

Get started as a freelancer